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How To Make The Best Crispy Suya Wings

To attain the level of crispiness, we can make use of baking powder. Yes BAKING POWDER. To crown it off, we will toss the crispy wings in a spicy suya sauce! I see you're already licking your fingers.


20 split chicken wings
Salt – to taste
1 tspn Black or Cameron pepper
2 seasoning cubes
2 tbspn baking powder


1 heaped tbspn suya spice
3 tbspn honey (substitute maple syrup)
2 tbspn mayonnaise (substitute greek yogurt)
2 tbspn lemon juice


  1. Combine all wings ingredients. Set aside
  2. Preheat oven to 275F. Line a baking pan with parchment or use a baking wrack. Oil generously.
  3. Arrange chicken pieces on wrack. Bake for 30 mins. Increase heat to 425F and continue to bake until chicken is crispy (30-45 more mins)
  4. Remove chicken from oven and set aside.
  5. Combine all sauce ingredients in a medium pot. Place on medium heat and boil until it thickens.  Toss in warm wings and coat generously
  6. Serve your delicious wings with a side of something cold like this tangy and sweet Chapman or you can opt for booze.
Daniel Bishopp
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