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How To Make The Best Gbegiri Soup

Gbegiri is a Yoruba word which means ‘beans’. Vegetarians can have their version of this dish by means of skipping on the beef, chicken and so forth but still getting the protein requirement from this meal. Enjoy the my version of the Gbegiri Recipe.


1/2 cup of beans
Red Oil
Stock (Dry) Fish
Seasoning cubes (I like Knorr cubes)
Grounded Crayfish
Dry Pepper
Blended pepper and Tomato


  1. Soak the beans in some hot water; this makes it easier for the back of the beans to come off
  2. Wash the beans until it is completely clean.
  3. Put it in a pan and allow to boil for an hour and 30 minutes or until it is completely soft and mushy.
  4. In another pot, boil your meat and add the necessary seasoning.
  5. Using a sieve, extract the liquified beans. Use a spoon as this is easier, and it will help remove all the water completely.
  6. Transfer the extraction into a clean pot and add the red oil, a little blended pepper, and dry pepper.
  7. Allow to boil for 3-5 minutes, then add the meat stock.
  8. Season to taste
  9. Add the dry fish( ensure you soak the dry fish in some hot salted water before using it)  and the cray fish.
  10. Allow to boil on low heat for 10 minutes.
  11. You can serve with ewedu (jute leaves) and pounded yam or amala.
Daniel Bishopp
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