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How To Cook Artichokes

To prep your artichokes for cooking, cut off most of the stem (so it can stand straight on a plate) and about 1” off the top. Peel one layer of the thickest leaves from the root of the stem, and use kitchen shears to trim the spiky points off the remaining exposed leaves.

Now that you've got your perfect artichokes, it’s time to cook! Read on to learn some techniques.

1. Steaming
This is the most widely used cooking technique, best for when you really just want to enjoy the natural flavors of a really good artichoke. In a large pot, heat about ½” of water. (You can add some lemon slices in the water for flavor, if you like.) Add your artichokes stem side down, and cook until tender, around 25 minutes. The leaves should release easily from the center. These can be enjoyed as-is, dipped in melted butter or mayo, OR you can stuff and broil them. Check out our recipe below for steamed artichokes stuffed with cheese and breadcrumbs, it’s a classic.

2. Grilling.
This is another direction you can take your steamed artichoke. After it’s been steamed to perfection, cut it in half vertically. (That’s stem to tip.) Use a spoon to cut out the center, known as the choke. You NEVER eat the choke, it’s tasteless, chewy, and the hairs get caught in your throat. Once that’s outta there, drizzle the cut sides with olive oil and place them flat side down on a hot grill or grill pan. Once you’ve got char marks, you’re good to go. It should only take 3 or 4 minutes, but the smoky flavor the grill imparts is worth the extra step. Squeeze with lemon, add some vinegar, or any of your favorite sauces. Pesto or chimichurri would work wonders!

3. Roasted.
If you’d rather not introduce excess water to your artichokes, baking can be a great alternative that results in a tender artichoke with a very concentrated flavor. Halve your artichoke lengthwise and remove the choke, then place cut side up in a greased baking dish. For added flavor, you can fill the centers with any ingredients you like: freshly chopped herbs, lemon wedges, cloves of garlic, etc. Cover the baking dish with foil and bake until centers are tender and leaves release easily. Serve drizzled with melted butter, because there’s nothing melted butter can’t do.
Daniel Bishopp
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